Areas of Consultation

Consultation is a broad category that includes individual counseling, family consultation, residential living consultation and organization-based planning. Consultation is supportive and proactive.
Individual Counseling
Individuals make use of consultation to obtain alternate perspectives on issues. Consultation is a forum for specific problem solving. It is focused and short term. Attention is given to life issues rather than mental illness.
Family Consultation
Families make use of consultation to smooth out problems with relationships among family members or to make effective decisions about life's transitions. Typical issues include moving from school to work, moving into a living situation outside the family home, and coping with a change in status of a caregiver.
Residential Living Consultation / "Friends and Family Group"
When unrelated individuals establish a life together in the community there are a variety of social and interpersonal stresses. Consultation with the individuals as a group helps to work out healthy and effective patterns of communication, as well as problem solving. This service is called Friends and Family Group.
Organization-Based Planning
Organizations use consultation to enhance comprehensive planning for challenging individuals or larger scale program development.

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