Available Diagnostic and Treatment Services

The purpose of behavioral health care is to clarify ambiguous or unresolved issues and organize changes so that order, harmony, and functionality are achieved.
Diagnostic Evaluations

Evaluation, or "assessment," is a process of discovery that identifies strengths and weaknesses in individuals, families, and support systems.

  • Comprehensive Diagnostic Evaluations assess all aspects of issue or concern. They include evaluation of intellectual functioning as well as psychological and behavioral status.
  • Diagnostic Evaluation of Psychological Function focuses on mental status and the relationship of a person's thought/cognition to his or her actions/behavior. Examples of diagnostic evaluations include the Mental Health Diagnosis, Functional Analysis, and Adaptive Behavior Assessment.
  • Diagnostic Evaluation of Intellectual Function focuses on intellectual ability as measured by standardized tests. The results of these tests are often reported as Intelligence Quotients - better known as IQ - scores. More recently, these results are referred to as Standard Scores, or "SS." In either case, they are estimates of a person's intellectual ability on the day he or she completed the test. SS results are used as one factor in predicting the person's overall intellectual ability and future intellectual growth and development. Individuals with developmental disabilities are sometimes poorly served by the traditional intellectual evaluations. Traditional testing can be augmented with testing designed to remove unnecessary bias due to verbal or cultural difference. I offer non-verbal standardized testing.
  • Determination of Medical Necessity is a specific type of evaluation used to apply for and continue authorization for Child and Adolescent Mental Health Services or Nursing Facility Applicants with Other Related Conditions.
Treatment is a process of helping individuals use their strengths to make sense out of life, bring harmony out of discord, and organize a functional interaction with the world.
  • Behavioral Health Care Treatment Plans put the logic and the specific process of change in writing. A well-written plan is a map for the future based on a solid understanding of the present. Often influenced by state regulations, Behavior Plans are the product of a collaboration between many individuals.
  • Individual Psychotherapy makes sense out of one person's life story. It is a highly personal interaction between the therapist and the individual in which goals are established by mutual consent, but the individual receiving therapy is the engine for change. Individual psychotherapy is successful only when the individual is motivated by the desire for an outcome different than the present situation and is willing to work at change.
  • Intensive Systems Therapy is an intense and systematic process of creating harmony and organization in an individual's life. This type of therapy engages interested parties from the individual's primary social system in a pattern of consistent therapeutic engagement. It is used in situations in which previous standard interventions have failed and chaos is leading to dangerous situations.
Frequently Treated Diagnosis
  • Autistic Spectrum Disorders or Problems with Communication and Relatedness. These include individuals with the diagnosis of Autism, Aspergers, or Pervasive Developmental Disorder.
  • Anxiety Disorders. These include panic attacks, fears and phobias, obsessive-compulsive disorder, posttraumatic stress disorder, acute stress disorder, and generalized anxiety disorder.
  • Mood Disorders. These include various forms of depression, bipolar mood disorder, and mood disorder due to a general medical condition.
  • Attention Deficit Disorder. Problems with attention and hyperactivity.
  • Adjustment Disorder. Problems adapting to life changes, predictable or unpredictable.
  • Personality Disorder. Problems with a sense of self, and relationships with others.
  • Problems with Accommodation and Socialization. Problems getting along with others, making friends, understanding or following rules.

Basis of Treatment

  • Behavior Therapy and Functional Analysis
  • Cognitive Behavior Therapy
  • Developmental Psychology
  • Family Systems Therapy
Also see Training

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